Considerations for Sustaining a Culture of Cybersecurity
Part II: Cybersecurity Risk and Preparation
Hosted by NACHC Training and Technical Assistance
With the rise in cyberattacks of government agencies and large-scale companies, organizations large and small are questioning if they are doing all they should to protect their data.
This webinar series features a health center and Health Center-Controlled Network (HCCN) perspective on how cybersecurity threats impact the bottom line. Speakers will highlight the importance of understanding the basic elements of cybersecurity and effectively budgeting to accurately reflect the costs of protecting their patients PHI. In addition, this series will also provide a deeper understanding of cybersecurity issues particularly as it relates to budget, and for IT Leadership, and other clinical and non-clinical managers to help foster an awareness of IT security for both Executive Leadership and regular staff.
Participants in the webinar will:
Learn how to quantify IT security risks in their organization
Do practical exercises to know what to do WHEN not IF a data breach happens to them
Learn how to cultivate a culture of Security Awareness in their organization
NACHC - National Association Of Community Health Centers WebEx Enterprise Site - Register Meeting